Consumer Electronics Show Reveals New Routes to Sexual Addiction

Posted on September 23rd, 2014

Sexual addictionConsumer Electronics Show Reveals New Routes to Sexual Addiction and technology are inexorably tied to one another, and the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has revealed the new generation of devices destined to lure the vulnerable into a constant search for sexual gratification. Although many will be able to use the devices for their intended purposes without descending into a technologically-fuelled sex addiction, for those at particular risk for developing the condition, newer technologies will add another layer of realism to virtual encounters and increase the temptation to engage in transient, anonymous real-world encounters. Technology isn’t to blame for the issues, but it provides constant opportunity that compounds existing problems and represents a perpetual source of temptation. 

Sexnology: Technology’s Impact on Sex Addiction

Posted on September 8th, 2014

Sexual addiction is nothing new. It’s been around since the beginning of time, most likely, though it’s only been recognized by psychotherapists and addressed as a chronic, progressive, and treatable disorder for the past 30 years or so. (Therapists have been diagnosing and treating chemical addictions for only a short while longer, though they too have been around pretty much forever.)

Sex Addiction and Narcissism

Posted on September 8th, 2014

Sex addiction treatment specialists have long reported that the majority of their clients are also highly narcissistic. In other words, clinicians working in the field have noted that sex addicts are almost universally self-centered and self-absorbed – not just sexually but also elsewhere in their lives. Until very recently this perceived link between sexual addiction and narcissistic beliefs and behaviors was purely anecdotal, based on reports from the field. However, a study titled Narcissism & Internet Pornography Use quantifies this link.