Preparing for Life After Sex Addiction Rehab

Posted on May 28th, 2014

Let’s face it: Your time in rehab was probably different than you expected. Maybe it was harder than you thought it would be, bumpier than you’d planned for. Those first few weeks are the hardest. You hadn’t realized there would be withdrawal symptoms or that they’d be just as real as drug or alcohol withdrawals. Maybe you found yourself agitated and shaky, nervous or sweaty, unable to focus. Maybe you experienced panic or you simply shut down. All of these things are to be expected. Breaking away from a life of addiction isn’t easy, and some say sex addiction treatment can be the hardest of all.

A Better Understanding of Sex Addiction

Posted on May 6th, 2014

A Better Understanding of Sex AddictionSometimes understanding something best occurs by defining not only what it is, but what it is not. This often proves to be the case with sexual addiction. To that end, this blog looks at both sides of the sexual addiction coin.

Essentially, the criteria for sexual addiction are similar to the criteria for any other addiction, meaning sex addicts, like all other addicts, experience:

  1. Ongoing obsession/preoccupation
  2. Loss of control
  3. Directly related negative life consequences