Self Tests

Men’s Sexual Addiction/Intimacy Disorders Screening Test
The Men’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test was designed to help men who might be questioning whether they have a problem with online porn, cheating, intimacy disorders or sexual addiction. The test is brief and anonymous.
Women’s Sexual Addiction/Intimacy Disorders Screening Test
The Women’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test was designed to help women who might be questioning whether they have a problem with intimacy disorders, unhealthy relationships, sexual addiction or related issues. The test is brief and anonymous.
Cybersex Addiction Screening Test
The Cybersex Addiction Screening Test was designed to help those who might be questioning whether they have a problem with pornography, online chat rooms, hook-up apps, cheating websites or other online sexual behavior. The test is brief and anonymous.
Partners of Sex Addicts Screening Test
The Partners of Sex Addicts Screening Test was designed to help those who are involved with a sex addict or someone struggling with infidelity, compulsive pornography use or intimacy issues. The test is brief and anonymous.