Individualized Treatment

Individualized treatment in our sex addiction programs means you will be prescribed the right combination of individual therapy, group therapy. and adjunct therapies. Some of the adjunct therapies may include specialized treatment for trauma (EMDR, Neurofeedback) or detox if the client is abusing substances.
A contributor to the problem behaviors of sex and love addicts is their difficulty establishing healthy intimacy and boundaries in personal relationships. How an intimacy disorder expresses itself can vary from client to client. We encourage clients to take a look at how they manage their personal relationships, speak openly about their fears and challenges with intimacy, while in a safe, therapeutic relationship with clear boundaries. Some examples of how these intimacy disorders express themselves are:
- Serial infidelity / cheating
- Many one-night stands; few sustained relationships
- Moving too fast in relationships (e.g, falling in love overnight)
- Having inappropriate relationships (e.g., subordinate at work)
- Chronic high risk “hook up” behavior
- Obsession with online sex chats
- Hiring of prostitutes
- Addiction to pornography (compulsive use)
- Use of pornography in inappropriate places (e.g., work, on a flight)
Because there are so many ways an intimacy disorder may express itself in your life, we must individualize the plan to fit your needs.