Residential Treatment for Sex Addiction

The emotional wounds and destructive coping mechanisms surrounding intimacy disorders, attachment and trauma-related addictions, and relationship and sexual problems are deeply ingrained, but not insurmountable. With treatment it’s possible to move beyond these challenges and live a meaningful, fulfilling life enhanced by healthy, honest, intimate relationships. We can help.
Our programs provide the specialized treatment needed to begin healing from the effects of underlying issues like trauma that often fuel intimacy, relationship and sexual problems.
Our residential programs address issues such as:
- Choosing drugs and alcohol over intimacy, connection and meaningful relationships
- Consistent involvement in emotionally unavailable, troubled, addicted or abusive relationships
- Pornography and sexual addiction
- Drug and alcohol addictions driven by co-existing sex and relationship problems
- Compulsive sexual behavior patterns with prostitutes, casual app-based hook-ups, or multiple affairs
- Emotional isolation related to living a double life
- Compulsive abuse of porn, sexting or cybersex
- Obsessive dating and endlessly searching for “the one”
- Mistaking sex and romance for love
- Using sex, romance, drugs or alcohol to mask loneliness or unhappiness
- Using seduction, sex or other schemes to attract or hold onto partners
- Inability to enjoy relationship or sexual intimacy without abusing alcohol and other drugs
- Being overly focused on sexual/romantic fantasies via Internet affairs, romanticized books and films as opposed to engaging in intimate, loving relationships
- Personal and/or professional boundary problems related to intimate and sexual behavior
Why Choose Our Residential Sex Addiction Programs?
Integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders
Intimacy issues and sexual addictions are often a symptom of deep-rooted trauma. Since disregarding the issues beneath the surface of addictions can lead to relapse or other unhealthy coping mechanisms, our programs provide specialized treatment for underlying issues instead of just treating the presenting crisis and/or addiction. Our approach heals you from the “inside out,” not the “outside in,” so you can reap the rewards of long-term recovery.
Gender-separate treatment for men and women
Our programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of men and women by providing gender-separate therapy groups, living spaces and dining/recreational areas. We’ve found gender-separate treatment environments help clients feel safe to be open about who they are and what they need, and to develop healthy, nonsexual, non-romantic bonds with peers. This offers our clients a safe place to discuss deeply personal topics, such as sexuality, body image and trauma.
Trauma-focused care
Many addictive and mental health disorders can be traced to early attachment trauma, evoked by experiences like abuse, emotional neglect and enmeshment. This is particularly true of intimacy disorders and sex, love and relationship addictions. To help clients heal, our programs use group and individual therapies supplemented with experiential, body-centric and metaphoric experiences.
Healing alone is painful. Healing among many is a joy.
Call 855-900-7357 to learn more about our residential intimacy disorders treatment programs.