healthy sexuality

Addicts’ Best Advice: Developing Sobriety and Healthy Sexuality

Posted on August 3rd, 2010

1. Pick an extended period of celibacy. The top priority for most addicts is to experience a period of celibacy. Celibacy helps the person clear out unmanageability, to feel more alive again, and to reclaim repressed memories of childhood abuse experiences.

Healing the Addict in Sexual Recovery

Posted on April 21st, 2010

The saying, “There is nothing worse than a reformed smoker” applies even more intensely when dealing with sexual addicts. While it is true that early recovery requires a clear and well-defined sexual plan and often may require a period of celibacy, I never cease to be amazed by the degree of judgment, sexual anorexia and fear that can be generated by sex addicts who actually chose to engage in some form of sex in their early part of recovery.

Tips for Encouraging Healthy Views of Human Sexuality

Posted on February 3rd, 2010

Young adults are reporting having problems with sex, love, and porn addiction in greater numbers than ever before. Though SRI does not treat minors, for the first time we are receiving calls and emails for help and advice from teens as young as 14. We also have noted a marked increase in patients coming to treatment who are 18-25 years old. As many young people still live at home, we are hearing from concerned parents as well. Television shows like Celebrity Sex Rehab on VH-1 and the highly publicized sexual challenges of national figures like Tiger Woods are likely bringing this issue to the attention of a younger generation. While it may be alarming to consider that your child/teen is struggling with problems with porn and sex, they greatly need parental support and acceptance to talk about these issues, be taken seriously and offered treatment, if that type of help is indicated.