Consumer Electronics Show Reveals New Routes to Sexual Addiction

Posted on September 23rd, 2014

Sexual addictionConsumer Electronics Show Reveals New Routes to Sexual Addiction and technology are inexorably tied to one another, and the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has revealed the new generation of devices destined to lure the vulnerable into a constant search for sexual gratification. Although many will be able to use the devices for their intended purposes without descending into a technologically-fuelled sex addiction, for those at particular risk for developing the condition, newer technologies will add another layer of realism to virtual encounters and increase the temptation to engage in transient, anonymous real-world encounters. Technology isn’t to blame for the issues, but it provides constant opportunity that compounds existing problems and represents a perpetual source of temptation. 

About Sexual Addiction

Sex addiction comes down to neurochemical makeup, just like with addiction to drugs or alcohol. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for most addictions, and it can be thought of as a “motivator” and “reward” chemical used by the brain. Drugs stimulate its release, and the net effect is euphoria and a strong motivation to repeat the experience. The brain uses the chemical to reward us for things like food or sex, so it’s hardly surprising that both food and sex addiction exist; when we eat or have sex, we get that drug-like euphoria, and those who are susceptible may develop a related addiction.

Sex addiction is characterized by continuous and compulsive sexual behaviors. Like other addictions, it can vary in both severity and the consequences of the condition. For example, some sex addicts may fulfill their desires through masturbation (using pornography or phone sex services), but others could progress to voyeurism and even rape. Regardless of how it is pursued, sexual addiction is the compulsive search for sexual gratification and, like other addictions, it is continued in spite of consequences such as ended relationships, lost jobs and legal problems. Like addiction to cocaine, alcohol and heroin, addiction to sex can have numerous severe consequences, but the individual can’t overcome the compulsion to continue.

Technology and Sex Addiction

In a world devoid of technology, those struggling with sex addiction would only be able to fulfill their desires through unaided masturbation and real-world encounters, but technological advances invariably open new avenues. The Internet is the best example, providing continuous access to pornography and catering to any fetish you could care to think of. Put yourself in the shoes of someone addicted to sexual gratification and think about the temptation inherent in doing something as mundane as opening an Internet browser. The smartphone takes this temptation and puts it in our pockets at all times, and the increasing prevalence of “sex finder” style apps and services further compounds the issues. As sex addiction expert and author Robert Weiss argues in a PsychCentral article, new technologies—of numerous different types—can be readily adapted to serve sexual desires.

The New Pathways to Addiction

Some of the most relevant new technologies displayed at the 2014 CES relate to 360-degree video experiences. The Oculus Rift is one such example, a virtual reality headset that allows you to simply turn your head to look around a virtual world (such as a video game) or a compatible video recording. In combination with 360-degree video cameras like the Geonaute 360, this could lead to more immersive pornography where viewers could strap on the Oculus Rift and turn their head to watch just as they would in real life. It also won’t be long before 360-degree webcams are commonplace, opening up the possibility of a more interactive online sexual encounter, particularly when combined with numerous USB-controlled masturbation aids.

Smart glasses also take the temptations added by smartphones and put them right in front of your eyes at all times. Whereas a smartphone user would have difficulty viewing pornography in public, for example, someone using an improved version of something like Google Glass (or the newer Lumus DK40) could do so without risking anybody seeing what he or she is watching. Similarly, adult “hookup” apps and virtual sex games wouldn’t be “limited” to times when nobody can see what you’re doing on your smartphone; they could be used at virtually any time and would be visible only to the wearer. For those in the grip of sexual addiction, there would be no reason to stop seeking gratification, regardless of what he or she is doing and at any time of day.

Susceptible Individuals Will Be the Hardest Hit

It’s clear that the makers of the Oculus Rift were not intending to create a device for viewing virtual reality pornography, but technology can be twisted to suit many different ends. Even entirely innocent innovations can be adapted to satisfy sexual urges, but this won’t impact psychologically healthy users. While most of us will be able to use smart glasses to idly check emails on long commutes and snap pictures of friends and family, there will always be those people suffering from sexual addiction who can only see such innovations as having one purpose. The most vulnerable will feel the grip of sexual addiction notably tighten as the devices unveiled at the CES find their way into our homes in the near future.

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